Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

So, I set this blog up in the beginning of September of last year, took pictures for blog posts and everything, but, here I am in February finally writing my first post. I'm making this blog mostly for my family and friends back home so they can see the basic everyday things I do that somehow intrigue them to no end (indirect to my Mom). If you stumbled upon my page and have no idea who I am, here's a short questionnaire that will hopefully fill you in on my life:

Name: Casey Austin

Hometown: Yarmouth, Maine, USA

Where do I live? If you couldn't guess by my blog title, I currently spend my school year in London.

Describe myself perfectly in a setting/scenario: Okay sooo I'd be driving (probably too slow so I could look at trees) down a New England back road on a perfect fall down in my SUV wearing J.Crew head-to-toe (like always), blasting old-school T-Swift with all my best friends singing along. Oh, and if Harry Styles happened to be in the passenger seat with a polaroid and sparkly boots that would be fine I guess :)

Top 5 Fave Songs: 
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
The Last Time - Taylor Swift
Clocks - Coldplay
Stockholm Syndrome - One Direction 
O - Coldplay

If I was a city, what one would I be? I like to think I would be Boston because it has the perfect mix of big city excitement and small-town America. It has quintessential New England charm without the extreme preppy-ness...if that makes any sense. 

Guilty Pleasures: I'm pretty much an open book so nothing is really a guilty pleasure. If I enjoy something, everyone I know knows that. #noshame

Okay well that's enough to get a little taste of me. I'll try to post on here once a week so my family can see what I'm up to over here across the pond. Hopefully this blog will turn into a nice portrait of my who I am. Thanks for reading (Mom)!


  1. Casey!
    Great job! Love your photos!! Now, what do I get Madeline for her 18th?? Thanks to you she has her longchamp and 'Celine' bag- what's next in the must haves?? Have some chips for me!

    1. Thanks! Oh gosh, I'm so bad at picking out gifts! Does she have a good pair of sunglasses? The Ray-Ban round flash lenses are super popular right now and would be perfect for the beach! I like the copper ones, but that's just my opinion.
